What are the top 3 practical/technical skills that a Tour Director needs to have?
A. 1) Patience 2) ability to connect easily with people 3) Passion for the places you take them.
B. 1) organizational skills 2) adaptability 3) quick thinking 4) willingness to continue learning new technologies 5) and you definitely need people skills
1. Public speaking skills and/or charisma. You need to be someone people want to listen to and be around. 2. Flexibility/Patience 3 Compassion—a lot of people are traveling because they have some challenge in their lives. 4. Mcguyverism—problem solving skills. 5. Organization (My weak point but I get by just fine winging it most of the time)​
Interestingly, the majority of respondents initially provided answers that prioritized personal characteristics. I then asked them to refine their replies to focus on teachable skill sets. This is why you'll see 'A' and 'B' answers for many of them.
A. Problem solving People skills/the gift of gab No fear of public speaking Organization/planning Patience
B. Researching Note-taking/organization, and how to paraphrase them Logistics - by site but also the movement of groups and management of their possessions (luggage) Oratory
A. 1--Awareness of Ethical Conduct Parameters ... 2--Physical Fitness/Health...3--Emotional Intelligence/Diplomacy...4--Orientation/Time Management Skills...5---Research Skills. Responsibility to keep guests safe! That is #1
B. Saying it's "my tour" is disingenuous (when "The Brand" sold the Tour and set expectations)
Cresting commentary by mimmicking a YouTube...doesn't get the job done
(But TDs do it anyways) I think commentary is overrated... I prefer to focus on "bringing people together", "leadership", "fun/laughter", and "shared moments" these are far more lasting and memorable (in my oponion) Having that "set of tools" to accomplish all required tasks...is a minimum.
A. Organization, On the spot problem solving, Patience and sympathy/empathy for others, Adaptability.
B. Front wheel back wheel analogy
A. So I would say pillars for a good TD is presenting information (be that commentary or logistics), logistical skills, and flexibility/problem solving. And would probably add basic hospitality/conflict resolution. Because it's different enough from problem solving. With exception of flexibility/problem solving I think those are all teachable. I do think that you learn flexibility/problem solving through experience. Never seen a good class on it though.
A. Flexible-positive mindset, problem solver, relatability and warmth, ability to read the audience, professionalism
B. Story telling. Time management. Interpersonal skills. Conflict resolution skills
A. Organizational skills beyond perfection - Understanding group dynamics - Knowing basic tech, e.g. TOs platforms and software, knowing how to hook up devices to a coach system in order to play music and videos - Patience - The ability to empathize and understand the guests POV - Manage expectations at every turn - Verbiage: concise, eloquent and consistent - Setting aside your self and focus entirely on the guests experience Maybe not so practical, but the soft skills is what sets a TD apart.
B. Research and what to focus on. - Commentary development, Use AI for commentary and story development, Organize your notes (I need help with that!)
A. patience, knowledge and humour
B. Definitely as much google search and information on subjects area and local characteristics. Talking with locals to find out info if possible. Biography of people as topics, finding documentary films to show on the coach.
A. - organized - flexibility - be in control - patience - high awareness of the surroundings
B. I do lots of research. Being organized is also a technical skills
A. These came immediately to my mind- a few are qualities vs skills. They are hard to learn so even if you have the skills, without these qualities it’s hard to be a TD. The top TD’s that I know have these skills/qualities. Patience, positivity, organization skills, empathy, time management, patience. Oh wait, I said that but it’s important!! So many people see or hear what we do and say “I could do that” and I think UMMM, you’re mean and have no patience, no you couldn’t. I think self awareness is important too, knowing your strengths and opportunities
A. Organization, Communication, Research, Public speaking, Group psychology
A. Organization, problem solving, and multi tasking
B. Customer service is such a big factor. I think too many TDs think they will just discuss history but I think logistics is the bulk of it.
A. Conversational skills, map reading, problem solving are my top 3
A. 1) Problem solving, thinking quick on your feet to find alternatives or solutions. 2) Good listener and perceptive. Someone who knows their audience, but also sees the individuality in each guest 3) tech skills- how to use resources to be resourceful
A. Start with kindness and good customer service. People will forget what you tell them in commentary but will always remember how you treated them. Speaking to each person everyday. Asking them small personal questions, complimenting their outfit, jacket ect. On day one, find out what their expectations are for the trip. During introductions ask them their name and find out what they are excited about most and build around that. Creating a customer experience is priority for me.